Friday, November 14, 2014

Knithog's Day

Rather than Groundhog Day (as in the movie), I have declared today Knithogs' Day here on the blog.

You might recall a couple of months ago, I had this grand ambition to lose 5 pounds and complete 5 projects before starting anything new.  Then, probably, a month after that, it became pretty obvious that neither of those were happening.  And for about a week now, since I stepped on the scale and saw it creeping the other way, I have been in denial that I have a problem.  Until now!  I have put my foot down and declared that starting tomorrow morning when I wake up two things have to happen!

One - I am going back on Weight Watchers!  I am not waiting until Sunday (which I usually do) as the start of my week is then, I am starting tomorrow.  I've got to lose this weight!  I am not happy in my body as it is  and I am sure that it is reflecting in my attitude.

Two - the heck with what is in progress!  The Knitmore Girls podcast that I have been listening to today, gave me permission to knit what I want.  After all, knitting is supposed to be fun.  If you haven't listened to the current episode, I encourage you to do so.  You can find it here under November 12 !

And now, lets have some fun!

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